The best thing you can do to keep your car or truck running smoothly and safely is to have Paul’s Garage help you keep up with your preventative maintenance. With a simple check-up and some regular maintenance at Paul’s, you can have peace of mind. Founded in 1947 to proudly serve automobile owners in the York Springs area.
Shawn from E and B Transportation reached out to get 3 websites setup and launched. The first being Wolf’s Fuel Oil followed next by Paul’s Garage. MAjor Designs setup the WordPress environment and started developing a custom, responsive theme. The one major difference in Paul’s Garage was the ability to create Monthly specials. These specials would be discounts or promotions that they have going on. After going live, they wanted to re-produce the “Fuel Prices” feature from on Instead of re-creating the inputs on the WordPress admin (which would result in duplicate work for the team at Paul’s Garage and Wolf’s Fuel Oil), a custom PHP function was developed. This function sends out a POST request to fetch the fuel prices from and display them on This enabled them to control their fuel prices on two websites from one backend.
After going live, Google Search Console tools and Google Analytics were integrated. WPSolid Pro security plugin was also installed as well as MAjor Designs’ 24/7 web monitor. Next on the list is!
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