Let’s Get Immunized NY strives to provide all New Yorkers reliable and trustworthy information on immunization and encourage New Yorkers to get recommended vaccines.
Joni Blymire reached out to me about this project. She had a general idea of the layout and MAjor Designs went with it and turned it into the full website you see today. The site was developed on the WordPress platform. It’s a two-page site consisting of a home page and contact page. The hope is they expand with more content and excellent information about vaccines.
One thing the client was insisting to have was a Spanish translated version of the website. To accomplish this, MAjor Designs used jQuery to swap out English text with Spanish translations provided by the client. This way we have full control over the translations. The site contains a toggle which the user can switch from English to Spanish and back to English. A querystring parameter can also force the translation if used (example: https://www.letsgetimmunizedny.org/?language=es). So far the only languages supported are English and Spanish.
The biggest thing to note about this project was the turnaround time. MAjor Designs worked with Joni and the team at Reid, McNally & Savage to bring this project to life.
See more at LetsGetImmunizedNY.org.